Transgender Women Interventions

Healthy Divas (DIVAS)


Healthy Divas is an evidence-informed intervention that provides information, support, and skills building to transgender women living with HIV and empowers them to identify and accomplish individualized health care goals related to gender affirmation and HIV. Healthy Divas consists of 6 peer-facilitated individual sessions and 1 group workshop led by a peer facilitator and two health care providers.

Literature & Resources:

Links to Literature

Link to Website

Transgender Women Engagement and Entry to Care Project (TWEET)


T.W.E.E.T. (Transgender Women Engagement and Entry to Care) is an evidence-informed intervention that links transgender women to HIV care by empowering them to become their own advocates. peer leaders conduct outreach to other transgender women living with HIV and bring them into weekly group educational and discussion sessions on HIV and other health and wellness topics. T.W.E.E.T. staff link participants to HIV primary care and provide them with supportive services, such as name change, legal services, and referrals. Participants who complete 5 educational sessions can become peer leaders who recruit more participants, lead sessions and provide support.

Literature & Resources:

Links to Literature:


  • Bandura A. Social Foundations of Thought and Action: A Social Cognitive Theory. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall; 1986.

Links to Websites: